Product Launches.

Whether launching a new FMCG brand, clothing brand, or digital product, our experienced team will help you research, plan and coordinate an unforgettable experience for your consumers digitally and in person.

They are a highly effective way to increase exposure, open up new opportunities, build trust and bring fresh attention to your brand.

We work end-to-end from the initial stages of teasing the product and building anticipation, through the action of the product launch event itself and post-event content. 

What is a product launch?


A product launch is a brands’ effort to launch a new product to their customers for the first time. When a product is launched in a coordinated fashion in-person at a launch event and online across digital channels it produces the greatest results.

This mix of mediums is known as an integrated marketing strategy, which is so effective because it creates a synergy in the symbiotic relationship between on and offline.

Here’s 6 benefits of product launches.


1. Product Testing

Product testing gives existing and potential customers alike the chance to put your new product to the test, which has the benefit of producing feedback. 

Brands gather feedback or data using post-use surveys, focus groups and interviews which generate ideas for new features and reveal unexpected aspects of a product previously undervalued.

2. Unique Experience  

When a product launch event is executed well, the one-off experience will showcase your brand and new product in the best possible light with all five senses stimulated to the max with, entertainment, sustenance and activities suitable for your target audience.

They are a highly effective way to increase exposure, open up new opportunities, build trust and bring fresh attention to your brand.

3. Creates Awareness

If your product launch event is suitably outlandish and remarkable, you’ll garner press coverage, which contributes to an increase in brand awareness and local publicity.

Press coverage solidifies your brand name’s credibility and exposes your name to previously untapped consumers broadening your reach enabling them to interact with your brand.


4. Competitive Edge

A well-planned product launch campaign gives you an edge over competitors as it allows your brand to build hype around a new product, highlighting distinctive features, designs and colourways, that distinguish you from your rivals. 

Product launch events show consumers the human side of their favourite brands and the products they love.

5. Human Interaction

Social media is a highly competitive field for brands to fight for a consumer’s attention.

In-person engagement strengthens the existing relationship between brands and their people, by creating an emotional connection. These engaged customers can drive significant growth for brands, both in-person through word of mouth and online.

6. Builds hype.

A well-executed product launch could lead to a viral campaign.

This could include (Reels, TikTok’s, user-generated content sharing, after movies, Instagram posts) which continue to create hype around your product and brand, propelling future sales far beyond expectations for a stellar ROI.


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Talk to us about your project.

If you have a project, idea or just want to chat book your free 15-minute discovery call with our co-founder Will.